
zaterdag 12 juni 2010

Why the eclipse engagement ring had to be perfect

Picking out an engagement ring is a pretty big deal but picking out an engagement ring for Edward to give Bella in Eclipse is an even bigger deal.

Twilight Saga author Stephanie Meyer was very adamant about getting the Eclipse engagement ring just right. The film's prop master, Grant Swain, reportedly spent a huge amount of time researching the ring and commissioning samples from various designers.

Unfortunately, none of these rings were to Stephanie's liking and she eventually had to design the ring herself with the aid of Portland-based jeweler Rick Thurber. In Eclipse, Stephanie describes the ring as "set with slanting rows of glittering round stones." The result? A beautiful pave-diamong ring that wasn't even finished until a few hours before the filming of the engagement scene began.

We can understand Stephanie's pickiness but if a ring is being given to us by Robert Pattinson we don't think we would mind too much what it looked like.

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